Readme for AOHs

Name: AOH
Version: 16.0

1. RAM: 512M+
2. PHP Version: 5.6-7.4
3. Database: No Need

1. Schedule to check Website(s) that meet the conditions at the traffic source/tracker end, automatically generate blacklist and whitelist, then update to the traffic source.
2. Extract blacklist/whitelist Website(s) from external campaign, add to current campaign’s blacklist/whitelist.
3. Free your hands, automatic optimization, reduce unnecessary budget spending and increase the ROI.

0. Postback the conversions to the traffic source side (recommended).
1. Upload to the root directory or subdirectory of site.
2. Modify the admin login password and apikey of the traffic source in config.php.
3. Modify the tracker apikey in config2.php (if used).
4. Put the obtained license file into the root directory of the program and rename it to license.php.
5. Login to the admin dashboard.
admin.php can be renamed to something else.
6. Set up the Campaigns.
Campaigns->Settings->Campaign Settings
7. Start automatic optimization.

Global Settings:
1. Auto Optimize: Enable auto optimization or not, global level.
2. Interval: Optimize interval, minimum 10 Minutes is recommended.
3. Eye Protection: Use the light green background color to protect eyes.
4. Timezone: Time zone.
5. Miscellaneous
Rest xxx seconds after one campaign finished.
6. Trackers: The tracking software used, check them if necessary (this feature is not available in the basic version).

Campaign Settings:
1. ID: ID of the traffic source campaign.
2. Name: Name of the campaign.
3. Auto Optimize: Yes/No/Always auto optimization, campaign level.
4. Date Range: The date range of the report.
5. Payout: Payout of the offer, the real value of token “Payout”, can be use for some calculations.
6. Max Loss Per Website: The maximum loss on a Website, greater than this value will be blocked.
7. Blacklist Source: Blacklist source, where the blacklist extract from.
8. Extract Blacklist Type: Add the extracted blacklist to current blacklist or not.
Extracted: List Extracted from external campaign.
Generated: List generated by rules.
Whiteblacked: List blacklisted after whitelisted.
Sticky: List of sticky preseted.
9. Whitelist Source: Whitelist source, where the whitelist extract from.
10. Extract Whitelist Type:Add the extracted whitelist to current whitelist or not.
Extracted: List Extracted from external campaign.
Generated: List generated by rules.
Whiteblacked: List blacklisted after whitelisted.
Sticky: List of sticky preseted.
11. Blacklist Source2:Blacklist source, where the blacklist extract from.
12. Extract Blacklist Type:Add the extracted blacklist to current blacklist or not.
Extracted: List Extracted from external campaign.
Generated: List generated by rules.
Whiteblacked: List blacklisted after whitelisted.
Sticky: List of sticky preseted.
13. Whitelist Source2:Whitelist source, where the whitelist extract from.
14. Extract Whitelist Type:Add the extracted whitelist to current whitelist or not.
Extracted: List Extracted from external campaign.
Generated: List generated by rules.
Whiteblacked: List blacklisted after whitelisted.
Sticky: List of sticky preseted.
15. Blacklist Source3 Url:Blacklist source, where the blacklist extract from.
16. Blacklist Source3 Enabled:Yes or Not
17. Whitelist Source3 Url:Whitelist source, where the whitelist extract from.
18. Whitelist Source3 Enabled:Yes or Not
19. Website Skipped: Website(s) will not be processed.
20. Miscellaneous:
Blacklist Website(s) after adding to Whitelist.
Auto add $xxx WHEN budget* < $xxx. PS: budget* means campaign remaining budget. But in some traffic source it uses Total Campaign Budget instead, such as ClickAdu, so need to enlarge the value from time to time to keep the campaign running uninterruptedly.
21. Note: Memo notes.
22. Template: Load settings from templates.
23. Rules: Rules.

1. Bulk Yes: Bulk enable campaigns’ auto optimise.
2. Bulk No: Bulk disable campaigns’ auto optimise.
3. Refresh: Refresh current page.
4. Bulk Purge: Delete campaigns’ files except campaignSettings.txt, can get almost clean campaigns by doing this. PS: the campaignInfo.txt file may generate automaticly, so there may be 2 files in the directory.
5. Bulk Edit: Batch edit the campaigns’ settings. Check the the items wanted to be modifed in bulk edit page, it/they will be skipped if the checkbox(s) left unchecked. Proceed with caution, otherwise it may result in unpredictable consequences.

Config campaign settings and rules in advance.
Default: New campaigns will load settings from the default template.

1. Pick admin.php.
2. Upload to server and overwrite the old one.
3. Restart tool.
By doing this, all the previous settings will be remained. This option is for some small updates.
For big updates this may not work, then you need to install the wholely new version.

1. TrafficSource
2. BeMob
3. Binom

1. After server/VPS reboot or abnormal reboot, the program will be terminated, so you need to restart it manually.
2. Some data has a 10 minutes cache, just wait a moment for it to display properly.
3. Website/Zone/Source, etc. should be placed in the first custom parameter position in the tracker.